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My COVID Risk Assessments and Measures:


These measures are no longer in place but will be reinstigated if a resurgence occurs.


These are the hygiene measures that we think are sensible and workable within our small studio practice. We are extremely lucky that we are not a large practice and only have three osteopaths and one treatment space to consider. These  hygiene measures are designed to continue to ensure a safer environment for you but have been eased in light of changing national rules.

1.1.    We will provide hand sanitiser at the entrance of our studio – please use it when entering and leaving.

1.2.    Practitioners will thoroughly sanitise their hands before and after treating each patient and at other times when necessary. ALWAYS IN PLACE

1.3.    The studio room is left to air for an interval after each treatment session for droplet settlement after which all contact surfaces are disinfected (including chairs, treatment plinth, pillows, desk-top and edges, pens, payment machine, door handles).

1.4    We have removed the cotton pillow covers and replaced them with a wipeable cover which will be wiped down with disinfectant after each patient. STILL IN PLACE AND UNLIKELY TO CHANGE

1.5.   We have removed the fabric treatment plinth cover and will instead be use disposable paper. The paper will be disposed of and the plinth will be wiped down with disinfectant after each patient. STILL IN PLACE AND UNLIKELY TO CHANGE

1.6.   We have removed towels from the treatment room and ask that patients bring their own clean towel if they feel they might need to be covered for warmth in the treatment. We would advise this for our CFS patients. STILL IN PLACE AND UNLIKELY TO CHANGE


1.7. Our osteopaths will wear a fluid resistant IIR or FFP2 face mask if incidences of COVID increase or if a patient requests us to do so; and all patients are free to decide for themselves whether to wear a mask or not. It is not obligatory.


We will also continue with some of the operational changes to facilitate high level of hygiene measures described above, fulfil our public health obligations and to ensure unnecessary contact time

2.1.    We will have fewer appointment slots available in the day to be able to include time between appointments for the extra airing and cleaning tasks to take place and to avoid patients crossing in the entranceway.

2.2.    We will not treat patients who have had contact with a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case in the 5 days before attendance or people who are or have been unwell with COVID-19 like symptoms until they have recovered.

These measures will be under constant review as our regulatory guidance changes.


We really appreciate your adherence to these measures and thank you for your kind attention to this document.


Date: 03/10/2023

Reviewed: 03/10/2023
Next Review: 02/01/2024 or when GOsC guidance is updated.
Author: Victoria Diamond

COVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENT for my practice at The Manor Clinic

Please read this carefully before attending your appointment.


These arrangements are now in place to ease us back into normal operation.


1 Please ensure that you have completed the COVID-19 screening questionnaire and treatment consent form. We reserve the right to refuse entry if these have not been completed.


2. Please do not come in if you have a cold.


3 Please wear a mask. If you do not have a mask these can be purchased from reception for £2. Your practitioner will be wearing full PPE


4 Our reception is now open, but do not arrive too early to avoid waiting for too long in the reception area. 


5 Please come in and sanitise your hands just inside reception and type in your car reg details on the iPad on the reception desk. Your practitioner will then accompany you to the treatment room.




Thank you for your kind attention to all these details.


Date: 01/03/2022

Next Review: under constant review

Author: Manor Clinic Management


© 2018 by Victoria Diamond Proudly created with

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